We live in a world where divorce no longer caries the stigma that it once did. Meeting someone that's divorced, or whose parents are split up, isn't nearly as shocking as it was 50, 30, or even 20 years ago.
It's become common and for the most part, society has learned to cope.
Inside the church, divorce statistics aren't any better or worse than outside. The statistics are all the same. People are people.
And yet, divorce in the church can be much more difficult to understand because we run into a clash of culture and theology. Many people, who've grown up in or even around the church have heard that "God hates divorce." (Malachi 2:16)
We know that it's a bad thing and yet, it happens... so now what.
Different pastors and theology gurus have taken different approaches ranging from allowing no-fault divorce and remarriage all the way to kicking people out of their churches! But what does God think?
We know he hates divorce but he loves people (John 3:16) so does he love divorced people? Does he have a plan for them? Is that plan for them to stay single? Get remarried? Pursue their previous relationship?
These are all extremely tough questions but Pastor Brian Reed has done an incredible job of simplifying and explaining the relevant biblical passages and theological positions. Take a look at the downloadable notes and feel free to listen to the seminar to learn more. You won't be disappointed.
It's become common and for the most part, society has learned to cope.
Inside the church, divorce statistics aren't any better or worse than outside. The statistics are all the same. People are people.
And yet, divorce in the church can be much more difficult to understand because we run into a clash of culture and theology. Many people, who've grown up in or even around the church have heard that "God hates divorce." (Malachi 2:16)
We know that it's a bad thing and yet, it happens... so now what.
Different pastors and theology gurus have taken different approaches ranging from allowing no-fault divorce and remarriage all the way to kicking people out of their churches! But what does God think?
We know he hates divorce but he loves people (John 3:16) so does he love divorced people? Does he have a plan for them? Is that plan for them to stay single? Get remarried? Pursue their previous relationship?
These are all extremely tough questions but Pastor Brian Reed has done an incredible job of simplifying and explaining the relevant biblical passages and theological positions. Take a look at the downloadable notes and feel free to listen to the seminar to learn more. You won't be disappointed.