What to Expect
Our worship service, Sunday School groups, and Thursday night groups are all meeting in-person and we remain committed to live-stream our Sunday worship services for those who are not able to join us in person. To watch the live stream, you can click this link at 9:30am on Sunday mornings to go to our church YouTube page where you will see a link to watch the live recording. Shortly after the service is over, the video will be posted on This Week's Livestream as a recording that you can watch at any time.
When are your Services? Sunday Morning 9:30am Church Worship Service (held in the Sanctuary)
10:45am Sunday School groups (held in various rooms across campus) What should I expect on Sunday Morning?
How Should I Dress? Feel free to dress casually and comfortably at our church. If you enjoy dressing more formally on Sunday morning, feel free, but most of our church family - including the Senior Pastor - are dressed more comfortably to enjoy the AZ temperatures. Do I need to bring anything? Feel free to bring a Bible, or you can download the church app on your Apple or Android smartphone (send a text message with the phrase GLENDALE APP to telephone number (833) 283-8682 and you’ll receive a link to go to your phone’s app store to download the app) and follow along there with Scripture and take notes on the sermon. What is the music like? Our Worship Team is made of volunteers from our church who lead us in everything from songs currently on Christian radio to classic hymns of the faith. We regularly have a worship band with drums, guitars, violin, and sometimes keyboards. What is the message (sermon) like? Pastor Brian is our main teacher, but every now and then one of our Elders or other Pastors will bring a message to us on Sunday morning. We emphasize helping people understand the timeless truth God has revealed in the Bible and applying it in practical ways to our daily lives. Our bulletins have a designated spot for notes to help you follow along with the message or you can download the church app on your Apple or Android smartphone (send a text message with the phrase GLENDALE APP to telephone number (833) 283-8682 and you’ll receive a link to go to your phone’s app store to download the app) and follow along there with Scripture and notes there. What is offered for Children and Youth? On Sunday mornings, we have a nursery and toddler room right off the main church sanctuary so our littlest ones are not far from mom and dad. During our worship service, 1st-6th Grade children start in the sanctuary to join us in singing and celebration of communion, and then are dismissed to have their own lesson in Children's Church. Youth (7th -12th Grade) are welcome to sit with their parents during the worship service. Parents are always welcome to attend children's church with their kids. During our Sunday School Hour, there are dedicated Sunday School classes for children and youth. On Thursday evenings, our Kids Rock (1st-6th Grade) and Youth Group (7th -12th Grade) meet on campus. How do you practice Communion? Every week we remember the body and blood of Christ, which were given for us, with a short devotional and prayer followed by the distribution of the elements (cracker and juice in individual cups). We invite all who wish to partake to take and do so in your own time, as the Spirit leads. There is gluten-free communion bread available for anyone having that allergy. How do you collect Offering? There are boxes near the doors to collect cash or checks and envelopes on a seat back near you to identify your contribution. You can also give using a credit or debit card using the Church app on your Apple or Android smartphone send a text message with the phrase GLENDALE APP to telephone number (833) 283-8682 and you’ll receive a link to go to your phone’s app store to download the app) or through the church’s website (tap or click the “Online Giving” link at the top of the page). Finally, you can set up an automatic “bill pay” through your bank/financial institution to be sent to the church. This is your opportunity to give something back to God if you feel so led. Is there a class I can take to learn more about church Membership? Absolutely. Classes are scheduled periodically based on interest. If you'd like information please click here and ask about membership or "Class 101." Any other questions we can help with? If you have any other questions, we would love to help! Click here to contact the office and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. |